What is Josev?

Brief introduction into the Josev Stack

Josev stands for “Joint Operating System for EV Charging”. It is a software stack developed to run on AC and DC charging stations. Josev implements ISO 15118-2, ISO ISO 15118-3, ISO 1511-20 and OCPP 2.0.1. It also includes a reference implementation of a charging station integration. In order to interact with the hardware of the charging station, an MQTT API is used. Through the API, Josev can read charge metrics, manage the charge rate, lock the connector, control and more.

The following diagram illustrates the comprehensive architecture of Josev Pro Unified Bundle, delineating all its microservices and their respective interfaces.

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%% flowchart TB subgraph EV["`**Electric Vehicle**`"] ev[Electric Vehicle Charge Controller] end subgraph CS["`**Charging Station**`"] subgraph hardware["`**Station Hardware**`"] plc["Power Line Communication"] end subgraph Josev["`**Josev Stack**`"] ocpp["OCPP service"] smart_charging["Smart Charging"] mqtt["MQTT Broker"] subgraph 15118["`**ISO-15118-implementation**`"] slac["SLAC"] exi["EXI module"] iso["ISO 15118 module"] end end mqtt<-->hardware mqtt<-->smart_charging mqtt<-->ocpp mqtt<--->iso mqtt<-->slac slac<--->plc iso<---->plc exi<-->iso end csms["`**CSMS**`"] subgraph MOCA["`**Mobility Operator CA**`"] validator["Contract certificate issuing authority"] end manager[Charging Station Manager] config manager-->config-->Josev ev<-->hardware ocpp<-->csms csms<-->MOCA

Documentation scope and structure

This documentation pertains to the Josev Pro Unified Bundle version of the product, encompassing the complete pack ready-to-use version of Josev. This Unified Version comprises all the microservices plus the Python interpreter -used only in a few services currently- in an standalone executable binary -therefore without any external dependency. However, non required microservices or even the language interpreter packed can be selectively excluded from the package if required. Detailed documentation for these scenarios are provided in Explanations and the How To section (WIP). In summary, unless explicitly stated otherwise, any reference to ‘the product’ is pointed to Josev Pro Unified Bundle (Josev Pro Stack+Interpreter as a binary).

The documentation is structured into five sections.

  • Product comprises the product definition and related topics, plus important notes about its documentation.

  • Tutorials provides simple instructions for implementing certain use cases, such as authorizing a driver with an RFID card.

  • How-to guides covers more in depth guidance on how to integrate Josev as a whole and fulfill edge cases.

  • References lists technical information about the product.

  • Explanations contains supporting information that may be useful when using the product.


Pricing for Josev Pro can be currently found on our website.

We also offer Josev Demo which can be provided free of charge for trialing purposes. Josev Demo is limited to 10 minute charging sessions and will only connect via OCPP to the Switch Platform and no other backend system.


Having trouble? We’re here to help!

  • Check out the Josev FAQ.

  • Raise a ticket with us, we’ll give you details of this when you sign up.

  • Email us at josev.support@ecog.io. .